4 Steps to Deal With COVID Losses

Next Wednesday marks one year since two kids in foster care left our home. They lived with us for two years. We loved them with our whole heart. Some days the loss at year one feels as fresh as day one.

A foster mom friend, who knew I was a therapist texted me a few days after they left. She asked “How does a counselor get through something like this?” I laughed. In reality I had no idea how to answer her. Everyday I wanted to crawl in a whole and cry until the tears ran dry.

The next few days I thought about her question. I knew Jesus would get me through this. But I wasn’t sure how.

Here is what I came up with. Think about how these actions can help with your COVID-19 losses.

1. GET LOW. This maybe a “no-duh,” but tell your brain you are not God. Admit that you do not have the whole picture — even when you think you do.

2. GET SPACE. Grief takes energy. Pull away from the distractions of tasks, work, kids to reflect, cry, read the Bible, get angry, etc. Otherwise grief will pop out in ways that hurt you and others. Making space is not easy or convenient.

3. GET HONEST. The grief of foster care dove me into deep honesty with God. In my anger with God, I thought, “What do you do when you want to deck the only person who can save you (Jesus).” Beat on his chest. You can do it with respect and honor. He can take it.

4. GET PRAISING. When a loss hits hard, the last thing you want to do is praise Jesus. You don’t want to believe God’s promises. Choosing to worship forces the focus off of you. Choosing to worship is a discipline. But a discipline that helps grief in ways that you could never imagine.

I use these concepts daily. Try these and let me know what you think


Cranky While Quarantined