
The quarantine makes our lives feel stationary, on hold. One day blends into the next. Is today Monday or Thursday? Today you have energy. Tomorrow brings apathy.

The news outlets promise this will end and a new normal will begin. A timetable of relief changes daily.

Things are moving even when your life feels permanently paused. A glance out your window shows birds flying from branch to branch. Your spring flowers bloom grow taller and prettier each day. You are not the same person you were in February — before you ever heard the word COVID. You are learning how to adapt, how to handle anxiety, how to be creative.

Below are a few ways to focus on how God is growing you in this season of perceived pause:

  1. How have you made it this far while quarantined? List what has worked. Read the list over and over again.

  2. Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our minds. Recall what verses have given you hope the past month. Read them again. 

  3. List your top twenty traits. For example, what makes you a successful ministry leader? What makes you a good mom or dad? Now list how those twenty traits help you during this season of quarantine.

Even if your life feels stationary today, God is moving in you and through you to make you more like Him. Give yourself grace. Give others grace.


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